Meeting Ron Lawson


I got up to gorgeous sunshine today, ready for a busy Saturday.  Amongst plans was a visit to the Annan Art Gallery on Woodlands Road, Glasgow.

Exhibiting today was Scottish landscape water colourist Ron Lawson, with an opportunity to ‘meet the artist’. I really do love Ron’s work. He captures perfectly the serenity, atmosphere and remoteness of the Scottish Highlands and has developed such a striking, unmistakable style, so I was looking forward to seeing his original work.

As I arrived at a busy gallery I was offered a coffee and a lovely choice of canapés, which were a delicious accompaniment as I wandered round the little gallery, absorbed in each painting. ‘How does he get that texture on the thatched roofs?’ I asked myself (a lot!).

I didn’t get the chance to ask him that particular question unfortunately but we did have a chat about his work, which was great. My favourites were one of Eilean Donan Castle, Loch Duich (pictured here), and a spectacular scene of Howmore, South Uist.

I feel inspired when I read about artists like Ron, who waited 35 years before taking the plunge from his career to concentrate on painting, and it’s exciting to see that in just five years, he is appealing to a growing international audience spanning London, New York and Canada.

I got home today and picked up my paintbrushes, inspired to finish my latest painting, dreaming of following a similar journey!


Art & Books


4 reasons we don’t draw, and how to change it